Route: Grasmere Village - Helm Crag - Grasmere Village
Distance: 3.00 miles
Ascent: 1,100ft
Time: 2 hours 15 minutes
With: Anne
Snowing, light winds
© Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Licence number AL100038401
Oak Lodge, Easedale
Snow covered sheep on the lower slopes of Helm Crag
Grasmere village just visible through the snow from high up Helm Crag
The Howitzer, Helm Crag summit
The Howitzer, Helm Crag summit with Anne bottom left (for scale!)
We passed this group ascending Helm Crag as we headed down
Descending back to Grasmere with Brimmer Head Farm in the valley below
Previous Walk: Helvellyn (Sun 3 Mar 2002)
Next Walk: Black Crag and Tarn Hows (Sun 10 Mar 2002)