Route: Bowscale - Bowscale Tarn - Bowscale Fell - Mungrisdale - Bowscale
Distance: 5.50 miles
Ascent: 1,550ft
Time: 3 hours 30 minutes
With: Anne
Swim in Bowscale Tarn
© Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Licence number AL100038401
Bowscale Tarn
Looking back down on the tarn
Skiddaw from Bowscale Fell summit cairn
The main path down the southern flank of The Tongue
...but we descended The Tongue's northern slopes to Bullfell Beck
Previous Walk: Rannerdale Knotts (Mon 19 Jul 2021)
Next Walk: Holme Fell and Cathedral Quarry (Thu 23 Sep 2021)