Route: Mirehouse, The Old Sawmill Tea Room - Rabbit Warren - Ling How - The Edge - Ullock Pike - Long Side - Carlside Tarn - Carl Side - White Stones - Long Doors - Dodd - Mirehouse, The Old Sawmill Tea Room
Distance: 6.50 miles
Ascent: 2,700ft
Time: 5 hours 10 minutes
With: Members of the OFC
Dry with lots of sunshine and blue sky for most of the walk but cloud building from the south towards the end.
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Looking across Bassenthwaite Lake to Ladies Table and Sale Fell
On the path above the Ravenstone Hotel
Ascending to ridge, its a red team day
Looking across to Skiddaw's north west ridge
The foot of Bassenthwaite Lake
Looking back down the ridge with Binsey in the distance
Ullock Pike and Longside Edge
The head of Bassenthwaite Lake and the north western fells from Ullock Pike
Ullock Pike from Longside Edge
A re-group at Long Side's summit
The bulk of Skiddaw from Long Side's summit
Rather than heading directly to Carl Side we decided to visit Carlside Tarn
Skiddaw Little Man from near Carlside Tarn
The steep path up Skiddaw from Carlside Tarn
Derwent Water
The path down to White Stones
Heading down to White Stones
White Stones
Dodd's summit and a bank of cloud on the Dodds/Helvellyn
Bassenthwaite Lake from near Dodd's summit
The Vale of Keswick catches some sun
Previous Walk: Mardale Head, Riggindale and Speaking Crag (Sat 11 Oct 2008)
Next Walk: Helvellyn from Stanah (Fri 24 Oct 2008)