Route: Brownrigg Farm - Great Mell Fell - Brownrigg Farm
Distance: 2.00 miles
Ascent: 900ft
Time: 1 hour
With: On Own
Wild! Blizzard conditions and gale force winds for most of the walk. It eased a bit for the last 15 minutes. I'm glad I did not head on to the high fells today.
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Track at the start of the walk
Out on the open fell and its blowing a gale and snowing
The way ahead, I must be mad!
Great Mell Fell's summit
Heading down, retracing my steps with the visibility improving
The lower slopes of Little Mell Fell from the descent off Great Mell Fell
Hart Side, Stybarrow Dodd and Great Dodd from Great Mell Fell
Looking south towards the head of Ullswater from Great Mell Fell
Clough Head from Great Mell Fell
Snow covered tree in the upper woodland on Great Mell Fell
The upper woodland with in the distance Place Fell behind Gowbarrow Fell
Gowbarrow Fell from Great Mell Fell
Little Mell Fell
Previous Walk: Castle Crag from Grange (Sat 17 Mar 2007)
Next Walk: Great Mell Fell revisited (Wed 21 Mar 2007)