Route: Kentmere Village - Green Quarter - Shipman Knotts - Kentmere Pike - Harter Fell - Nan Bield Pass - Kentmere Reservoir - Hartrigg - Kentmere Village
Distance: 9.75 miles
Ascent: 2,550ft
Time: 5 hours 5 minutes
With: David Hall and Anne
In the cloud on the tops, windy, rain to start but clearing up.
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A damp start. Looking back down on Kentmere village from above Green Quarter
Heading up Shipman Knotts from the Kentmere - Sadgill Pass
Green Quarter Fell from the ascent of Shipman Knotts
Somewhere between Shipman Knotts and Kentmere Pike
Kentmere Pike's trig point
Harter Fell's summit cairn
Looking down on Kentmere Reservoir from the descent to Nan Bield Pass
Anne pointing out that she can actually see a view at last!
Small Water
Haweswater from the descent to Nan Bield Pass from Harter Fell
Descending the Kentmere side of the Nan Bield Pass
Kentmere Reservoir with the tops of Yoke and Ill Bell in cloud
The River Kent above Kentmere Reservoir
Lingmell End and Nan Bield Pass from Kentmere Reservoir
Kentmere Reservoir
The outflow of Kentmere Reservoir
The outflow of Kentmere Reservoir
Looking across the valley floor to Shipman Knotts
Thornthwaite Crag (far left), High Street (flat skyline middle) and Lingmell End leading to Mardale Ill Bell
Heading for Kentmere village
Looking back up the valley to Ill Bell, Froswick, Thornthwaite Crag, High Street and Lingmell End
Hartrigg on the left and Kentmere Pike in shadow on the right
Hallow Bank on the slopes of Shipman Knotts
St Cuthbert's Parish Church, Kentmere
Previous Walk: A Loweswater Round (Sat 7 Oct 2006)
Next Walk: Longside Edge and Skiddaw (Sat 14 Oct 2006)