Whiteside to Whiteless Pike

Tue 7 Feb 2012

Route: Lanthwaite Green - Whin Ben - Whiteside - Hopegill Head - Sand Hill - Coledale Hause - Grasmoor - Eel Crag (Crag Hill) - Wandope - Thirdgill Head Man - Whiteless Edge - Saddle Gate - Whiteless Pike - High Rannerdale - Cinderdale Common - road - Lanthwaite Green

Distance: 10.75 miles

Ascent: 3,650ft

Time: 5 hours 20 minutes

With: On own


Lots of blue sky and sunshine but cloud building to the south. Not much wind, just a few icy blasts

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Whiteside and Whin Ben from a frosty Lanthwaite Green

The new bridge over Liza Beck

Mellbreak and Crummock Water from the climb up Whin Ben

Looking west to Loweswater

Above Whin Ben and in the sun. Mellbreak on the far side of Crummock Water

Gasgale Crags, Gasgale Gill far below and snow on Hopegill Head and Sand Hill

The ridge to Hopegill Head from Whiteside's summit

On the ridge, looking towards Hopegill Head

Further along the ridge which is narrower at the Hopegill Head end

On the ridge, just before the last steeper section up to Hopegill Head

Looking back along the ridge towards Whiteside

The final section up to Hopegill Head's summit

Towards Whiteside from Hopegill Head's summit, a great ridge walk

Coledale Hause with Eel Crag (Crag Hill) beyond from Sand Hill

Grisedale Pike and Coledale with the Skiddaw fells and Blencathra beyond from my route up Grasmoor

The Whiteside to Hopegill Head (out of shot) ridge and Gasgale Crags

Hopegill Head, Sand Hill, Grisdale Pike, Skiddaw, Skiddaw Little Man and Blencathra

The flat top of Grasmoor

Grasmoor's summit cairn

Whiteless Pike and the view south

Eel Crag (Crag Hill) and the Helvellyn range in the distance

Eel Crag (Crag Hill) trig point with Keswick far below

Over Robinson to Great Gable and the Scafells


Looking back to Crag Hill with Sail on the right

East towards the Helvellyn range from Wandope's summit

Whiteless Edge to Whiteless Pike

Lad Hows onto Grasmoor

Looking back to Whiteless Edge

Rannerdale Knotts and Rannerdale

The track to Cinderdale Common. Low Fell in the distance beyond Crummock Water

Previous Walk: Angletarn Pikes, Angle Tarn and Brock Crags from Patterdale (Sun 5 Feb 2012)

Next Walk: Walla Crag (Sat 11 Feb 2012)

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