Height: 549m/1,803ft
Grid Reference: NY232023
Lists: FRCC (159) Wainwright (S.25)
Ascents: 6
Hardknott Pass - Hard Knott - Hardknott Pass
Hardknott Pass - Hard Knott - Eskdale Needle - Border End - Hardknott Pass
Tue 19 Dec 2006 - Hard Knott, Harter Fell and Green Crag
Brotherilkeld, Eskdale - River Esk - Lingcove Bridge - Lingcove Beck - Yew Bank - Hard Knott - Hardknott Pass - Harter Fell - Green Crag - Low Birker Tarn - Low Birker - Woolpack Inn - road - Brotherilkeld [12.00 miles 3,500ft ascent]
Hardknott Pass - Hard Knott - Border End - Hardknott Pass [1.50 miles 580ft ascent]
Hardknott Pass - Border End - Hard Knott - Hardknott Pass [1.50 miles 580ft ascent]
Mon 29 May 2000 - Pike O'Blisco, Cold Pike and Hard Knott
Wrynose Pass - Red Tarn path - Pike O'Blisco - Red Tarn - Cold Pike - Great Knott - Stonesty Pike - Little Stand - above Black Crag - head of Mosedale - Hard Knott - Wrynose Bottom - Wrynose Pass