Great How, Thirlmere

Height: 333m/1,093ft

Grid Reference: NY313187

Ascents: 4


Sat 4 Feb 2012 - Fells around the foot of Thirlmere

Thirlmere Dam End - Raven Crag - Castle Crag Fort - The Benn - Shoulthwaite Gill - Smaithwaite - Bridge End Farm - Great How - Thirlmere Dam End [6.25 miles 1,725ft ascent]

Sun 13 Jul 2008 - Thirlmere and Great How

Swirls - Thirlmere - Great How - Stanah - above Thirlspot - Swirls [4.75 miles 900ft ascent]

Sun 7 Jan 2007 - Raven Crag and Great How

Thirlmere Dam End - Raven Crag - Shoulthwaite Gill - Smaithwaite - Bridge End Farm - Great How - Thirlmere Dam End [5.50 miles 1,600ft ascent]

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