Route: Grange in Borrowdale - Broadslack Gill - Castle Crag - River Derwent - Grange in Borrowdale
Distance: 3.75 miles
Ascent: 700ft
Time: 2 hours 20 minutes
With: Anne
After Gertrude, but still windy
© Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Licence number AL100038401
The double bridge over the River Derwent to Grange
Path in Dalt Wood
Dalt Quarry
Broadslack Gill, that's Skiddaw in the distance
The view south up Borrowdale
Castle Crag summit
Derwent Water with Skiddaw beyond from Castle Crag's summit
Rock art in the upper quarry
Great End
Path through High Hows Wood
River Derwent
Previous Walk: Latrigg (Sun 17 Jan 2016)