Route: Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel, Great Langdale - Wall End - Pike O'Blisco - Red Tarn - Cold Pike - Crinkle Crags (Long Top) - Three Tarns - The Band - Stool End Farm - Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel
Distance: 9.00 miles
Ascent: 3,800ft
Time: 6 hours 15 minutes
With: David Hall and Jane Frank
Snow from the valley up, scattered to broken cloud, blue sky, very windy on the tops.
© Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Licence number AL100038401
Pike O'Blisco, Crinkle Crags and Bowfell
Mickleden from the Blea Tarn road
The Langdale Pikes from our ascent of Pike O'Blisco
Looking towards the east to the Silver How ridge and Fairfeild fells
The Langdale Pikes from Pike O'Blisco's summit
The Coniston Fells from Pike O'Blisco's summit
Swirl How, Great Carrs, the top of Dow Crag and Grey Friar
Great Knott, Crinkle Crags and Bowfell from the descent to Red Tarn
Looking back to Pike O'Blisco from the ascent of Cold Pike
Cold Pike's summit
Crinkle Crags and Bowfell from Cold Pike
Harter Fell
Looking back to Pike O'Blisco and Cold Pike as we head for Crinkle Crags
The Langdale Pikes and Great Langdale with the Fairfield fells in the distance
Heading for Crinkle Crags
Little Stand
The Scafells from the southern most Crinkle
Andrew and Martin Powell at Crinkle Crag's very windy summit
Scafell, Scafell Pike, Ill Crag, Great End, Esk Pike and Bowfell from Crinkle Crags
Bowfell behind a Crinkle
Traversing Crinkle Crags
Descending to Three Tarns
The Scafells from Three Tarns
The Langdale Pikes from the top of The Band
Pike O'Blisco from The Band
Crinkle Crags from The Band
Pike O'Blisco and Cold Pike from The Band
Great Langdale from near the bottom of The Band
Previous Walk: Blea Tarn, Lingmoor Fell and Side Pike (Sat 11 Mar 2006)
Next Walk: Coniston Old Man, Brim Fell and Swirl How (Sun 19 Mar 2006)