Route: Patterdale - Boredale Hause - Angle Tarn - Boredale Hause - Patterdale
Distance: 4.00 miles
Ascent: 1,400ft
Time: 1 hour 50 minutes
With: On own
2 hours spent at the tarn enjoying the tranquillity and watching the sun go down. A descent in the dark.
Hardly any wind, sunshine and scattered clouds and hopefully a sunset!
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Side Farm under Place Fell
The path to Boredale Hause
Looking back north towards Place Fell
Looking back along my path to Angle Tarn with Place Fell in the distance
Angle Tarn
The sun setting between Helvellyn and Catstycam
Angle Tarn sunset
Angle Tarn sunset
White Lion, Patterdale, just after 9pm
Previous Walk: Knott and Great Calva (Mon 30 Aug 2010)
Next Walk: Caw Fell to Steeple from Ennerdale (Sat 4 Sep 2010)