
Height: 892m/2,927ft

Grid Reference: NY171121

Lists: FRCC (011) Wainwright (W.02)

Ascents: 7


The Wasdale Head Inn with a sunlit Pillar behind

Pillar from Kirk Fell

Sat 28 Apr 2012 - A Mosedale Horseshoe

Wasdale Head - road - Yewbarrow - Dore Head - Red Pike - Steeple - Little Scoat Fell - Black Crag - Wind Gap - Pillar - Black Sail Pass - Wasdale Head [10.50 miles 4,200ft ascent]

Sat 13 Jul 2002 - Pillar plus

Wasdale Head - Black Sail Pass - Looking Stead - High Level Route - Pillar - Wind Gap - Black Crag - Little Scoat Fell - Steeple - Little Scoat Fell - Red Pike - Dore Head - Over Beck - Overbeck Bridge - road - Wasdale Head [12.00 miles 3,500ft ascent]

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