Sun 16 Jul 2000 - Hallin Fell wander
St. Peter's Church, Martindale - Hallin Fell - Ullswater - Hallinhag Wood - Sandwick - St. Peter's Church
Sat 15 Jul 2000 - Bob Graham Relay - Wasdale to Honister Pass
Brackenclose, Wasdale - Yewbarrow - Dore Head - Red Pike - Steeple - Little Scoat Fell - Wind Gap - Pillar - Black Sail Pass - Kirk Fell - Beck Head - Great Gable - Windy Gap - Green Gable - Brandreth - Grey Knotts - Honister Pass [12.00 miles 7,000ft ascent]
Sun 2 Jul 2000 - Causey Pike and Scar Crags
Stonycroft near Stair - Rowling End - Causey Pike - Scar Crags - Sail Pass - Mine Road - Stonycroft near Stair
Patterdale - Arnison Crag - Birks - Thornhow End - Patterdale
Mon 29 May 2000 - Pike O'Blisco, Cold Pike and Hard Knott
Wrynose Pass - Red Tarn path - Pike O'Blisco - Red Tarn - Cold Pike - Great Knott - Stonesty Pike - Little Stand - above Black Crag - head of Mosedale - Hard Knott - Wrynose Bottom - Wrynose Pass
Sat 8 Jan 2000 - Bleaberry Fell from Keswick
Keswick - Rakefoot - Walla Crag - Bleaberry Fell - Walla Crag - Rakefoot - Keswick
Fri 7 Jan 2000 - Raven Crag and Castle Crag Fort
Thirlmere Dam End - Castle Crag Fort - Raven Crag - Thirlmere Dam End
Thu 6 Jan 2000 - The Langdale Pikes
Stickle Barn, Great Langdale - Mark Gate - Loft Crag - Pike O'Stickle - Harrison Stickle - Thunacar Knott - High Raise - Sergeant Man - Stickle Tarn - Stickle Ghyll (Mill Gill) - Stickle Barn
Wed 5 Jan 2000 - Steel Fell and Calf Crag
Grasmere Village - Ghyll Foot - South East Ridge - Steel Fell - Calf Crag - Far Easedale - Grasmere Village